Embark on an unforgettable aquatic adventure at Atlantis Aqua venture, where the magic of the ocean comes to life in the most extraordinary way – through the enchanting residents of Dolphin Bay. Step into a world where the water's embrace is a testament to the boundless wonders of the seas, and let the captivating allure of these magnificent marine mammals captivate your senses. Dolphin Bay, nestled in the heart of Atlas Village, beckons you into a realm where every moment is a brush with awe and every encounter with our marine heroes is nothing short of magical. Picture yourself immersed in a symphony of laughter and joy as you forge a connection with these playful dolphins, each interaction leaving an indelible mark on your soul. For the thrill-seekers, dive into the crystal-clear waters and experience the exhilaration of swimming alongside these graceful beings. Feel the rush of excitement as you share the same space with these majestic creatures, creating memories that will forever be etched in the tapestry of your adventures .Taking care of our resident dolphins and sea lions around the clock is a challenge worthy of Poseidon. This exciting family adventure opens up a world of wonder with the exclusive behind-the-scenes tour at Atlas Village. This programme is limited to a smaller group of people for a more personal experience. Meet the Dolphins Alice, Naji, Cathy, Lennox and Tina as the Dolphins are gentle and Patient with the peoples they meet, but some are having a personality also.